Ne samo sto neznamo gdje nam leže od djedova,očeva stričeva i ujaka kosti već ih ni mrtve nemožemo “Dostojanstveno”spomenuti
u rođenoj Zemlji zbog “Crvenih”-fašista-Građanskog Sarajeva
ovaj članak iz NY timesa pokazuje zbog čega je Sarajevo toliko “antifašističke” magle puštalo ovih dana, ne bi li sakrilo toliku sramotu: kupiti novcem građana respiratore koji na kraju neće služiti svojoj svrsi niti će moći pomoći oboljelima od COVID-a – to može samo u “slučajnonj” državi biti”
Bosnia: Imported Ventilators From China Useless for COVID-19
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Bosnia’s state prosecutors say about a hundred ventilators imported from China by a private company and paid for by the country’s government have been found to be useless for COVID-19 patients.
The little known fruit-processing firm, with no license to import medical equipment, was granted 5 million euros ($5.5 million) to get the equipment to the small Balkan country amid the pandemic.
But after a public outcry over why the company, called Silver Raspberry and with ties to Bosnia’s political establishment, received the lucrative deal, the state prosecutor office opened an investigation into possible corruption and fraud.
In their initial report, the prosecutors said in a statement on Monday that the imported ventilators “do not meet even a minimum of necessary characteristics for adequate treatment” of coronavirus patients.
“Therefore, it is not advisable to use those ventilators in the intensive care units,” the statement said.
The company owner has rejected accusations that he imported the breathing machines at highly inflated prices. He said he used his business connections in China to accomplish what he called a “humanitarian mission.”
The graft allegations have come as no surprise in Bosnia, which is ranked poorly on Transparency International’s annual global corruption list. The watchdog group last year placed Bosnia 101st out of 180 countries.
Experts have warned that the COVID-19 pandemic, which caught officials in many countries unprepared and ill-equipped to meet the need for protective gear and ventilators, has created new opportunities for graft as governments rushed to get the supplies.
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Moram Vam pojasniti ovo je slobodni prevod članka dok od jednog dođe do drugog onda pojedine misli gube svojstvo značenja!
izvor new yotk times, Bosnia: Imported Ventilators From China
Useless for COVID-19
Bosnia: Imported Ventilators From China
Useless for COVID-19
By The Assoc iated Pre ss
·May 11, 2020
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina – Bosnia’s state prosecutors say about a hundred ventilators
imported from China by a private company and paid for by the country’s government have
been found to be useless for COVID-19 patients.
The little known fruit-processing firm, with no license to import medical equipment, was
granted 5 million euros ($5.5 million) to get the equipment to the small Balkan country amid
the pandemic.
But after a public outcry over why the company, called Silver Raspberry and with ties to
Bosnia’s political establishment, received the lucrative deal, the state prosecutor office opened
an investigation into possible corruption and fraud.
In their initial report, the prosecutors said in a statement on Monday that the imported
ventilators “do not meet even a minimum of necessary characteristics for adequate treatment”
of coronavirus patients.
“Therefore, it is not advisable to use those ventilators in the intensive care units,” the
statement said.
The company owner has rejected accusations that he imported the breathing machines at
highly inflated prices. He said he used his business connections in China to accomplish what
he called a “humanitarian mission.”
The graft allegations have come as no surprise in Bosnia, which is ranked poorly on
Transparency International’s annual global corruption list. The watchdog group last year
placed Bosnia 101st out of 180 countries.
Experts have warned that the COVID-19 pandemic, which caught officials in many countries
unprepared and ill-equipped to meet the need for protective gear and ventilators, has created
new opportunities for graft as governments rushed to get the supplies.
Dr avni Tu itelj BiH je utvrdio da su stotine respiratora, pla enih novcima federalne Vlade, koje je
iz Kine uvezla privatna tvrtka, beskorisniza pacijente oboljele od virusa COVID-19.
Malo poznata tvrtka za preradu vo a, bez licence za uvoz medicinske opreme, je dobila 5 milijuna
eura (5,5 milijuna dolara)za nabavku opreme za malu balkansku zemlju usred pandemije.
Ali nakon povike javnostiza to je kompanija „Srebrena malina“, povezana s bosanskim politi kim
establi mentom, dobila unosan ugovor, ured dr avnog tu itelja je otvorio istragu zbog mogu e
korupcije i prevare.
Uprvom izvje u, tu itelj je u izjavi u ponedjeljak, kazao da uvezenirespiratori „ne zadovoljavaju
minimum karakteristika potrebnih za odgovaraju i tretman“pacijenata oboljelih od koronavirusa.
„Stoga se ne preporu a koristiti ove respiratore u jedinicama intenzivne njege“, ka e se u
priop enju.
Vlasnik kompanije je odbacio optu be da je uvezao aparate za disanje po previsokoj cijeni. Ka e
kako je iskoristio svoje poslovne veze u Kiniza ostvarenje ove, kako je nazvao, „humanitarne
Navodi o dr avnoj korupciji, nisu iznena enje kada je rije o Bosni, koja je nisko pozicionirana na
godi njoj listi globalne korupcije Transparency international-a. Bosna se pro le godine na la na
101.mjesto od 180 zemalja.
Stru njacisu upozoravali da pandemija COVID-19, koja je u mnogim zemljama zatekla nespremne
du nosnike za nabavu za titne opreme irespiratora, otvara prostor i ansu za korupciju i ucjenu
budu i je Vlada u urbi osigurati potrebnu opremu.
Analitički Tim Voditelj tima Mladen Ljubić Vajta
Analitički Tim Voditelj Tima