U nedjelju 7. listopada održani su Opći izbori u Bosni i Hercegovini. Izborima su prethodile brojne političke aktivnosti tijekom četverogodišnjeg mandata. Među njima bili su pokušaji izmjene Ustava i Izbornog zakona kao i izmjene niz drugih zakona i pravnih propisa. Budući da su propale sve inicijative izmjena Izbornog zakona BiH kao i implementacija odluka Ustavnog suda BiH hrvatski narod s pravom se bojao novog scenarija po kojem bi Hrvatima člana Predsjedništva BiH birali drugi mnogobrojniji narodi. Pozivalo se, molilo, apeliralo da bi takva praksa mogla imati za posljedicu neizgradnju boljeg političkog povjerenja i povjerenja među narodima, nužnog za pozitivni napredak naše države i euro-atlanski put BiH. Nažalost, sve slutnje i predviđanja pokazala su se opravdanim. Došlo je do, za nas mlade Hrvate u BiH, neprihvatljivog scenarija, scenarija kojim nam šaljete poruku kako ovo nije i naša zemlja, naš prostor i domovina u koju možemo vjerovati i koju trebamo graditi. Slikovni rezultat za R.I.P. DEMOCRACY BiH

Nažalost, grubim oblikovanjem političke volje bez utjecaja Hrvata u BiH, pokušava se reći da je ovo zemlja jednih i za jedne, a nikako zemlja tri konstitutivna naroda i građana. I još jedanput, nažalost ovo nije ni prvi, a ni drugi put, ovo je već treći put da se grubo gazi politička volja i izbor Hrvata u BiH. Složit ćemo se da je DOSTA. I zbog toga, MI mladi okupljeni večeras ovdje u Mostaru glasno poručujemo DOSTA više tuđe volje i grubog negiranja jednog naroda koji je svojim referendumskim DA bio presudan faktora za dobivanje neovisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.
DOSTA moramo reći bošnjačkim političkim elitama koji su dizajnirala scenarij grubog kršenja pravde i pravednosti. DOSTA moramo reći i pojedinim predstavnicima međunarodne zajednice u BiH koja dopušta i nečinjenjem podupire ovakvo političko djelovanje. DOSTA političkoj praksi negiranja i grubog kršenja prava. DOSTA zato što je nepravično, grubo, neetično i politički politički štetno.
Nakon brojnih DOSTA MI mladi Hrvati u BiH kažemo DA. Nitko, pa ni ovakva gruba praksa glasovanje jednog naroda, neće nas obeshrabriti, istjerati i iseliti. MI ćemo nastaviti još jače i odlučnije boriti se za demokratsku BiH. Mi ćemo se snažno boriti i zalagati za Bosnu i Hercegovinu po mjeri svih naroda i njenih građana. Za državu u kojoj će svaki njeni građanin biti sretan, koji neće živjeti u strahu i neimaštini. MI ćemo, za razliku od destrukcije i grubog gaženja prava, nuditi pravdu i pravičnost, nadu i budućnost. MI se okrećemo boljoj Bosni i Hercegovini. MI zato danas i prosvjedujemo i apeliramo za bolje i pravednije društvo, bolju i pravedniju Bosnu i Hercegovinu.
General elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina were held on Sunday, 7 October. They were preceded by numerous political activities during the four-year term. Among them, there were attempts to amend the Constitution and the Electoral Law, as well as changes to many other laws and bylaws. Since all initiatives to change the Electoral Law have failed, as well as the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court of BiH, the Croatian people had reason to fear a new scenario that would enable other, much more numerous peoples to elect a member of the Presidency instead of Croats. There were various invitations, pleas, appellations to point that such a practice would not lead to construction of a better political trust and trust amongst peoples, needed for positive developments in our country and for Euro-Atlantic road. Unfortunately, all those fears and predictions appear to be well founded. We have reached an unacceptable scenario for us, young Croats in the BiH, which sends us a message that this is not our ours as well, our space and homeland that we can put our trust into and the one that we should build.
Unfortunately, with a violent modeling of the political will, with no influence from the Croats in BiH, there are tries to emphasize that this is a country OF only one and FOR only one, and not at all a country of three constitutional peoples and citizens. Once more, unfortunately, this is not the first, nor second, but the third time that there is a violent run over the political will and choice of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will agree that it is ENOUGH. And because of that, WE, the young people, gathered here in Mostar, are loudly saying ENOUGH to the imposition of somebody else’s will and a violent negation of one people that has been instrumental, with its YES in the referendum, to the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ENOUGH to the Bosniak political elites who designed a scenarios of the violent transgression of justice. ENOUGH to some of the representatives of the international community in BiH, who allow and with their omissions support such political actions. ENOUGH to the political practice of negation and violent breaching of rights. ENOUGH, because it is not just, it violent, it is unethical and it is politically damaging.
After many ENOUGHS, we, young Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we say YES. Nobody, not even this violent sort of voting, will not discourage us, expel or drive us out. We shall continue even stronger and with more determination to fight for the democratic BiH. We shall fight strongly, and advocate for Bosnia and Herzegovina measured according to all of its peoples and citizens. For the state that will have all of its citizens happy, without fear and poverty. We shall, unlike destruction and violent breach of rights, offer justice, hope and future. We turn to a better BiH. That is why we protest today, and make an appeal for a better and more just society, better and more just Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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